Why Narcissists Have No Friends: Covering 8 Key Elements


If you don’t know that why narcissists have no friends so you need to know friendship is valuable and enriching aspect of life there are several elements that contribute to meaningful and healthy relationships. Most of the time narcissists struggle with having no friends because friendship requires a lot of things to contribute like trust, communication, support, respect, empathy and shared values and respect.

Narcissists find it difficult to adopt these key elements. In the short run narcissists are very attracting personalities and people find them very interesting but in the long run when someone get to know the real inside of these people they get detached from them.

So that is the reason behind that why narcissists have no friends and they also struggle within relationships because people carrying the traits of narcissism often struggle with relationships. We have also covered a detailed article on why narcissists abandon their families if you are interested in learning the whole traits of Narcissists you can read that article on our website.


Understanding in detail that why Narcissists have no friends:


  • Mutual Respect:

There are several aspects of running a friendship. If you have mutual trust in each other, care about each other boundaries and opinions because respect is the foundation of friendship. In a friendship, narcissists don’t provide respect toward others. Although narcissists lack these elements, that’s why narcissists have no friends.


  • Trust:

Trust is the critical element of any friendship. To rely on each other trust is very important because without trusting each other, friendship can’t last that long, and lacking trust in a friendship results in a break. In normal relationships or friendships, trust is the core value; that’s why narcissists have no friends.


  • Communication:

Open and honest communication is always required in friendship because, in healthy communication, friends can actively share their feelings and thoughts and should listen to each other. Healthy communication clears a lot of misunderstandings and forms a more profound connection between friends. That’s why you need to know why narcissists have no friends: because they don’t tell the truth. They always try to manipulate things, and that becomes toxic for others.


  • Difficulty accepting criticism:

Narcissists have very egoistic mindsets, and they are susceptible to criticism. They can’t take criticism quickly or healthily. Let’s say a narcissist has an opinion, and his friend disagrees with his opinion. This is a normal thing for ordinary people, but narcissists find it very difficult to understand. They will be very uncomfortable in this kind of situation.


  • They always want a sense of entitlement:

As you people know, narcissists always want a high sense of entitlement from others. Yet it is challenging to meet their expectations in a friendship. The need for narcissists’ increased understanding of entitlement can cause frustration and conflicts in a friendship. Because the particular kind of treatment they want from others is not possible, and they manipulate every time to get that. This is the main reason why narcissists have no friends.


  • Jealousy:

Narcissists often feel jealousy from others. They find it very difficult to enjoy others’ success. Let’s explain this to you with an example: Two friends are studying in a classroom. Suppose the teacher has appreciated the narcissist’s friend for something he has done well. The narcissist will get jealous of him due to the appreciation he gets from the teacher. On his friend’s face, he will show that he is happy for him, but inside, he will feel jealous.


  • No Emotional connection:

Narcissists can’t feel others’ emotions, and in a friendship, you need emotional support. Most of the time, if a person is feeling low, he would like to share his feelings with his friends, and at the same time, if a friend is a narcissist, he wouldn’t understand the emotions of his friend. Getting no emotional support from a narcissistic friend will make the friendship very frustrating to carry on further. This is one of the reasons why narcissists have no friends.


  • They want superficial relationships:

Narcissists are very good at establishing relationships with others due to their charm and charisma. They can easily flourish in social gatherings due to their self-confidence and charm to quickly get people. On the other hand, maintaining the relationships needs emotional intimacy, trust, mutual understanding, shared values, empathy, etc. They have much to say or show at the initial level of connecting with others and discussing their successes in social gatherings, networking events, or small talks.

In the initial stages, they will be extra nice to you, showing you that they understand you and that you are both the same and have the same mindsets. But as you get involved in a friendship with a narcissist, you will slowly or gradually understand the tricks or traits. How they prioritize their needs over others and their selfishness will blow your mind away. The narcissists get bored of a relationship very quickly, and they switch to new people very quickly. That’s why narcissists have no friends.



In summary, you need to understand all the main points we have described about narcissists, their traits, and their nature in friendship. The narcissists do not have empathy and all the core values that are essential to running a friendship or a relationship. The core values in friends, like trust, communication, support, respect, empathy, and shared values and respect, are not commonly seen in narcissists. Getting aware of the narcissist friend will be very beneficial for your mental well-being.

Narcissists are very charismatic, and everyone wants to be their friend due to their self-confidence. They carefully build their personality before people, making them likable to everyone. But their excellent reputation only lasts for a while. Eventually or gradually, people get to know their reality.

Thus, you need to understand that before choosing a friend, you must know who is fond of your friendship. Because choosing a narcissist as your friend will not be a good option for you, losing your positive energy on your narcissist friend will not be a good option for you. So always try to stay with positive people who support you in every situation, like financially, physically, or emotionally; whatever support you require from them, they provide you. Getting support from family members, friends, or a professional therapist is okay. You can ask for the support without any hesitation.

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