When You Are Too Strong For A Narcissist: 9 Possible ways Narcissists Act

Overview: When you are too strong for a narcissist

When you are too strong for a narcissist, he will try his best to take back control in every possible way. They will change their personality, become defensive, and undermine you by making you the wrong person so that you lose power or give them back control in a relationship.

Still, if you have a few of the following traits, you will potentially become dominant in the relationship. Read this blog post to understand more about Narcissism.

To understand more about empowering yourself against narcissists, continue reading this valuable, informative blog to get over a narcissist quickly.


What happens when you are too strong for a narcissist ?

Image is describing when you are too strong for a narcissist.

Narcissists are the type of person who always wants control, but if they cannot control you or, in other words, you are too strong for them, they will try to take back control by every means.

Narcissists typically have fragile self-esteem and an excessive need for admiration and validation.

Here are some potential outcomes when you are too strong for a narcissist?


  • They became defensive

When you are too powerful for a narcissist, your confidence, independence, or aggressiveness may make them feel threatened. They may see you as threatening their power, dominance, or entitlement. They may also be concerned about losing your authority, influence, or source of adoration. As a result, they may become defensive, attempting to defend, rationalize, or deny their actions.

They may also accuse, blame, or gaslight you for causing the situation or misinterpreting them. The best way to deal with the narcissist’s defensiveness is to avoid engaging with them or trying to reason with them. You can state your facts, feelings, and boundaries and then disengage from the conversation. You can also use the “gray rock” technique, which means being dull, uninteresting, and unresponsive to the narcissist so that they lose interest in you and move on to someone else.


  • They try to undermine you

When you are too strong for a narcissist they can’t manipulate you, they try to undermine you because when you are vital to a narcissist, they are jealous of your achievements, success, growth, and happiness.

They then try to undermine you by sabotaging you in many ways and criticizing that these things are straightforward to achieve and that anyone can do such things. They may also try to cut you off from your close ones.

They may say things like that

  1. “That wasn’t something you earned; it was just a lucky break.”
  2. “That was easy; anyone could do it.”
  3. “That was not impressive; I could do better.”

The best way to deal with their undermining is to ignore their negativity and focus on your goals.


  •  Hide their triggers

When a narcissist understand that you are emotionally and mentally stronger and their tricks are not working on you, they then hide their triggers because they seem to be aware of their true nature, so narcissists pretend that they are fine, happy, calm, and reasonable. They pretend they are so glad for you and everything is okay with them.


  • Act like everything is okay

A narcissist will act like he is fine when the person on the receiving end is more empowered than him, so he will act like everything is fine and nothing has happened. But in reality, he is eager to take back control in every way possible to satisfy his ego.

To deal with the narcissist’s hiding, be mindful and skeptical of any abrupt shift in behavior or attitude. You can also search for indications of their honesty, consistency, or responsibility and if their statements match their deeds.


  • Target differently

When they have tried all their tricks, but they do not work, they will try different tricks and target you in every way possible to take back control and satisfy their ego. They think it is a matter of their ego, but actually, it is a Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). They may try to target differently, meaning they may look for someone more vulnerable, naive, or gullible than you who can give them the attention, admiration, or validation they crave. They may also try to use someone else as a weapon, a pawn, or a shield against you and create conflict, drama, or triangulation between you and them when you are too strong for a narcissist.


  • Try to make you powerless

When you are too powerful for the narcissist, they may become disappointed and upset because they are unable to control, manipulate, or influence you. They may also feel ashamed and angry if you dispute, reject, or expose them. They may attempt to render you impotent, which implies they may try to damage, harm, or destroy you. They may also attempt to deprive you of your resources, opportunities, or rights, leaving you reliant and powerless. They may also try to intimidate, threaten, or compel you into doing what they want. So that they can take back the lost control.


  • Portray you as the wrong person

When you are too powerful for the narcissist, they may feel humiliated and guilty for not getting what they want from you or for being exposed or challenged by you. They may also feel victimized and persecuted because you have inquired, opposed, or abandoned them. They may attempt to make you the bad guy, which means they may try to project their defects, shortcomings, or failures onto you and hold you accountable for their actions, feelings, or consequences. They may also attempt to smear your reputation, character, or image.


  • They ridicule you in every possible way

When you are the stronger one in a relationship with a narcissist, they will try to ridicule you and try to lower your self-esteem so that they can be superior in the relationship and display their manipulation. They will try to knock you using tricks like mockery and sarcasm, undermining your achievements, public humiliation, exaggerating mistakes, constant criticism, and many more tactics. You’ll recognize you’re engaging with a narcissist.


  • They find your strengths and weaknesses and act accordingly

Narcissists are very focused, and they find your strengths and weaknesses initially when they meet you so that they can target you accordingly and hit your weak points. They know that when you are vulnerable but too strong for you, they become defensive and then hit your weak spots so that you become vulnerable and their easy target. The best way to prevent such attacks is by never letting your guard down and staying active while talking or spending time with them.


When will you be considered too strong for the narcissist?

Image is telling when you are too strong for a narcissist.

You will be stronger than the narcissist when you have the following characteristics.

  •  Be Emotionally stable 

Emotional stability is the critical factor that prevents you from the attack of narcissist abuse, regardless of how hard the person tries to break you down; having a positive and realistic outlook on life and not letting the narcissist’s negativity, criticism, or pessimism affect one’s goals, values, or dreams.

  • Make Sure to Set boundaries 

Setting your boundaries and having personal space so that the narcissist cannot invade your space and mess with your emotions by limiting yourself, you keep yourself out of his control, and this behavior irritates them the most

  • Be Independent

Independence involves the ability to make decisions and achieve goals without any influence or control from others. When a person with a strong sense of autonomy is in a relationship with a narcissist is less likely to get succumbed by the narcissist to the attempts to dictate their choices, opinions, or actions.

  • Have Emotional intelligence

When you are too strong for a narcissist. Emotional intelligence includes empathy, self-awareness, and successful emotion control. With a firm grasp of their own emotions and the capacity to relate without being misled by guilt or compulsion, a person with high emotional intelligence can navigate the narcissist’s trickery.

  • Make Sure to recognize manipulations 

The capacity to detect manipulation is a source of strength. A person who can recognize gaslighting, projection, or other selfish strategies is better able to safeguard their mental and emotional well-being. This understanding enables them to respond strategically or withdraw as necessary.

  • Get Involve in Strong support system

A strong support system enables the person to tackle narcissist abuse because of his healthy support system of friends, family, or professionals. Strong individuals have a network that provides emotional validation, guidance, and protection against the isolation tactics often employed by narcissists.


Lets Recap: When you are too strong for a narcissist

In the first place, narcissists are with you because you are successful, independent, and strong. They are with you so that they can satisfy their ego by manipulating you, but when you are mentally and emotionally strong, their tactics do not work on you.

They become impatient and try to take back control in every way possible to satisfy their ego. When they cannot control you, they try to make you the wrong person and undermine you by discriminating against and criticizing you in front of another person. We hope that your querry related to when you are too strong for a narcissist has been resolved.



Image is telling when you are too strong for a narcissist.

The Narcissisttraits team, composed of certified psychologists, provides a professional perspective. We offer accurate, DSM-5-grounded responses underpinned by extensive research and our studies. Our unwavering commitment is to deliver high-quality, trustworthy insights on narcissistic traits, personality disorders, and related topics. Including When You Are Too Strong For A Narcissist.

Leveraging our expertise, we aim to deepen your understanding, enabling more effective navigation of these complex subjects. Our responses, rooted in the latest field advancements, empower you with valuable knowledge. As mental health and psychology professionals, we’re here to aid you in making well-informed decisions and finding the support you need to address issues related to narcissism and its impact on individuals and relationships.





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