Understanding What Trauma Does Narcissistic Abuse Cause? With 6 Key Elements

Narcissistic Abuse Causes PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

People suffering from narcissistic abuse commonly ask what trauma does narcissistic abuse cause? So without wasting your time let’s get straight to the question. The answer is narcissistic abuse causes PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).


What is PTSD?

what trauma does narcissistic abuse cause

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that develops in people who experiences a traumatic or life threatening event. PTSD can affect people of all ages and backgrounds, and it can probably cause many types of traumatic incidents.

The condition is characterized by a range of symptoms that persist for an extended period after the traumatic event has occurred. But here we are talking about PTSD caused by narcissistic abuse.


How Narcissistic Abuse Causes PTSD?

A person’s mental and emotional well-being can suffer significant and long-lasting consequences as a result of narcissistic abuse. One of the main consequence is the development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Reasons that causes PTSD due to the narcissistic abuse are Chronic Emotional and Psychological Stress, Traumatic Incidents and Events, Betrayal and Violation of Trust, Isolation and Control, Complex Trauma, Invalidation and Gas lighting, Fear of Repercussions, Intrusive thoughts and repetitive thoughts, Hypervigilance and Avoidance.


What Trauma does Narcissistic Abuse Cause? Symptoms of PTSD caused by Narcissistic abuse

what trauma does narcissistic abuse cause

  1. Most people who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have experienced a traumatic event that put their own or others’ safety in danger. Experiences in combat, physical or sexual assault, natural catastrophes, accidents, or witnessing a traumatic act are examples of traumatic events, but they are not the only ones.


  1. PTSD sufferers frequently have intrusive, upsetting memories of the traumatic event. This may show itself as dreams, flashbacks, or bothersome thoughts that seriously disturb you.


  1. PTSD sufferers may deliberately steer clear of anything that could serve as a reminder of the traumatic incident, such as persons, places, activities, or conversations related to it. The act of avoiding is an attempt to control the uncomfortable feelings associated with the unpleasant memories.


  1. Persistently unpleasant mood swings, including feelings of shame, guilt, or alienation from other people, might be brought on by PTSD. There might be an obvious change in cognition, such as trouble recalling specific details of the traumatic experience or unfavorable opinions about oneself and the outside environment.


  1. People who have PTSD frequently report increased arousal or responsiveness. An excessive startle reaction, impatience, angry outbursts, and trouble sleeping can all be signs of this. Additionally typical are hypervigilance and a perpetual sense of being on alert.


  1. In order for PTSD to be diagnosed, a person’s symptoms must be severe enough to interfere with everyday functioning for longer than one month. In many situations, symptoms could not appear for several months or even years following the traumatic incident.


Key Features of PTSD include: What Trauma Does Narcissistic Abuse Cause?

what trauma does narcissistic abuse cause

  • Flashbacks and Triggers:

Knowing the aftermath of narcissistic abuse exposes a complicated world in which emotional flashbacks and triggers combine, casting shadows on current events. Emotional flashbacks take victims back to the turbulent emotional times they experienced throughout the abuse.

They are strong reminders of prior suffering. These flashbacks are rich in emotional intensity but lack visual signals. They are closely related to manipulative behaviors found in narcissistic relationships. Subtle but powerful triggers serve as catalysts, summoning the ghost of past abuse in reaction to particular stimuli.

This phenomena affects daily interactions, relationships, and overall emotional well-being in a subtle way that goes beyond the emotional anguish. Through deciphering the complexities of emotional flashbacks and triggers, survivors can liberate themselves from the enduring impact of prior narcissistic trauma and set out on a path of understanding, healing, and empowerment.


  • Betrayal and Breach of Confidence:

Trust violations and betrayal are common in narcissistic abuse. Deep disillusionment may set in, particularly if the abuser was someone close to the victim—a friend, parent, or partner, for example.


  • Complex Trauma:

Rather than being isolated traumatic experiences, persistent patterns of manipulative behavior are typically indicative of narcissistic abuse. The long-term exposure to complicated trauma can be a major factor in the development of PTSD.


How to Recover From the Trauma Caused By Narcissistic Abuse?

what trauma does narcissistic abuse cause

Healing from narcissistic abuse-related PTSD requires a multimodal approach. Important first step is to get professional assistance from a therapist skilled in trauma and abuse. Creating a network of friends, family, or support groups that you can lean on is a great way to get understanding and validation.

Acquiring knowledge about PTSD and the intricacies of narcissistic abuse enables people to reconcile with their experiences. Protecting emotional well-being requires setting and upholding clear boundaries. Overall wellbeing is enhanced by including mindfulness, relaxation, and self-care routines.

Therapy can address challenging negative ideas and views that are frequently a result of the abuse. The gradual process of healing and recovery is aided by cultivating healthy relationships, exercising patience, and acknowledging minor achievements.



In summary answering straight to the question, what trauma does narcissistic abuse cause? Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that people develops due to the traumatic experiences or life threatening events. PTSD can affect all types of people and can cause many types of traumatic incidents.

However narcissistic abuse can cause PTSD due to prolonged effect of manipulation, traumatic incidents, trust break, gas lighting, Silent-treatment, and repetitive thoughts. Individuals who develops PTSD due to the narcissistic abuse have the symptoms like, shame, guilt, low self-esteem, emotional flashbacks, bothersome thoughts, uncomfortable feelings, unpleasant memories, and hyperarousal.

Therefore this is for the people who ask what trauma does narcissistic abuse cause is that recovering from PTSD requires a lot of struggle. Individuals who develops PTSD can get professional assistance and they can ask help from family members and friends. Moreover we have written a brief article on how to get a therapist for narcissistic abuse. You can read this entire article and find the best therapist for yourself and get empowered.

Dr. Judith Herman, a renowned psychiatrist and trauma expert, has extensively written about complex trauma and the psychological effects of prolonged exposure to abusive relationships. Her work, such as “Trauma and Recovery,” tells the impact of emotional and psychological abuse.

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, a psychiatrist specializing in trauma and the author of “The Body Keeps the Score,” explores the long-term effects of trauma on mental health.

However if this trauma affects you but taking care of yourself is necessary for your mental well-being. Get professional assistance if required and keep yourself around supporting people. We hope as a team of professional psychologists our research heps you, and your querry what trauma does narcissistic abuse cause has been resolved.






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