Do narcissists like to be dominated in bed? Unlocking 11 accurate Possibilities


Do narcissists like to be dominated in bed? In our previous blogs, we have discussed various aspects of narcissistic behaviors. Now, we will understand how narcissism impacts their psychological preference in their physical choices, like their physical relationships.

Characteristics of Narcissism that could affect their Sexual Choices. Some narcissistic features, such as a lack of empathy and an emphasis on oneself, can strongly influence sexual preferences. Comprehending these factors offers valuable perspectives on the complex characteristics of narcissistic conduct.

There is a link between narcissism and dominance within relationships, offering a refined perspective on how narcissistic tendencies may affect intimate settings. This link becomes a crucial factor in understanding the dynamics of power and control in relationships.

Various factors induce dominance in the sexual life of narcissists mainly because of their psychological influence towards control and domination in life as well as in bed.

Do narcissists like to be dominated in bed? The answer is yes, narcissists like to take control during intimacy. Here, we are discussing 11 factors of narcissist domination in bed that will help you understand this topic in detail.

Key Desires Revealed of do Narcissists like to be Dominated in Bed

  • Difficulty Forming Genuine Connections and Intimacy: (Do narcissists like to be dominated in bed?)

It might present a significant challenge for individuals with narcissistic tendencies to establish and nurture strong, meaningful relationships with others. These individuals may resort to exercising dominance within their sexual relationships as a strategic approach to upholding a surface-level bond, all the while abstaining from forming genuine emotional connections.

The inherent dread experienced by narcissists when it comes to exposing their vulnerabilities can hinder their ability to engage in meaningful emotional intimacy. ­­

Consequently, through the pursuit of dominance within their sexual relationships, n­­­arcissists can retain a sense of control over their interactions and maintain a certain degree of emotional detachment from deeper, more profound connections that possess the capacity to influence their sense of self substantially.


  • Fragile Self-Esteem and Insecurity:

Despite the apparent self-assurance shown by multiple narcissists, they possess easily damaged self-worth. Narcissists’ Control within intimate relationships can be employed to conceal their inner uncertainties and fortify their self-perception. Notwithstanding their outward composure, narcissists frequently nurture profound-seated doubts. Engaging in pursuit of dominance in sexual relationships can serve as a strategy to project resilience and obscure internal liabilities.


  • Transactional Approach to Relationships:

Narcissists may view relationships as transactions, seeking to maximize their gains. Dominance in sexual interactions could be seen as a way to extract pleasure and affirmation without a genuine investment in their partner’s well-being.


  • Need for Control:

Do narcissists like to be dominated in bed? Narcissists often have a strong need for control and dominance in various aspects of their lives. In a sexual relationship, this need for control may manifest as a desire to dominate and dictate the dynamics.


  • Perception of Competition:

Narcissists may perceive relationships as competitions where they must assert dominance to maintain a sense of superiority. This competitive mindset can spill over into sexual dynamics as they strive to “win” or establish power over their partner.


  • Fear of Rejection:

Underneath their confident exterior, narcissists may have a profound fear of rejection. Seeking dominance in sexual relationships can be a defense mechanism to avoid feeling vulnerable or rejected by taking a dominant role.


  • Manipulative Behavior::

Narcissists are often skilled manipulators, and this may extend to their sexual relationships. They may use dominance as a tool to manipulate and control their partner, creating a dynamic where the narcissist feels powerful and in charge.


  • Inability to Handle Criticism:

Narcissists often struggle with criticism and may react defensively. In a sexual relationship, they may resist feedback or the idea that their partner has their preferences and desires, preferring to maintain control.


  • Challenges Faced by Partners of Narcissists:

Emotional Manipulation: When a narcissist tries to manipulate or control their partners emotions to suit their wants, this is known as emotional manipulation.

 Power Struggles: Power struggles can be emotionally difficult due to continuous efforts for dominance and control in a relationship.

Emotional struggle and power struggle also have a great role in understanding do narcissists like to be dominated in bed.


  • Emotional and Psychological Effects of Dominant/Submissive Dynamics:

Deeper Understanding: By examining the psychological and emotional ramifications of dominant/submissive relationships, we may better appreciate the complex and nuanced consequences that these actions have on people. 

Impact on Health: Participating in these dynamics can drain people emotionally and psychologically, impacting people’s general well-being.


  • Furthermore:

Understanding do narcissists like to be dominated in bed holds great significance as it plays a pivotal role in successfully navigating the intricate dynamics that exist within these partnerships.

The ability to recognize and comprehend these specific traits is of utmost importance, as they possess the power to exert a profound influence on the way individuals interact with one another, not only on an emotional level but also in terms of intimacy and exploring dominance in bed with a narcissist.

Obtaining a deep comprehension of this complex phenomenon equips partners with a solid foundation from which they can effectively maneuver through the intricacies and complexities that are inherently present within relationships involving narcissists.



People can get a complete picture of what they could experience in interactions, including narcissistic conduct, by looking at selfish behavior from its fundamental qualities to its power dynamics.

Acknowledging these tendencies helps people comprehend the difficulties and gives them insights that are useful when negotiating relationships with selfish behavior, do narcissists like to be dominated in bed.

Simply put, it’s like trying to solve a giant puzzle. We are attempting to comprehend every aspect of narcissism, including its fundamental characteristics, relationship difficulties, effects on emotions, and power dynamics. Doing this can give them a better understanding of the problem and some helpful skills to help them deal with these challenging circumstances.



The Narcissisttraits team, composed of certified psychologists, provides a professional perspective. Based on thorough research and our own studies, we provide precise, DSM-5-grounded responses in accordance with the American Psychological Association (APA) Our unwavering commitment is to deliver high-quality, trustworthy insights on narcissistic traits, personality disorders, and related topics. Including Do Narcissists like to be in Bed?

Therefore leveraging our expertise, we aim to deepen your understanding, enabling more effective navigation of these complex subjects. Likewise, our answers, which are based on the most recent developments in the industry, provide you with insightful information.

As mental health and psychology professionals, we’re here to aid you in making well-informed decisions and finding the support you need to address issues related to narcissism and its impact on individuals and relationships.

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