Covert Narcissist Traits Female: Your Path to Better Relationships-15 Key Points

Let’s embark on an exploration of covert narcissist traits female and Narcissism. We’ll uncover their subtle tactics, shed light on their insecurities, and understand their actions. As we delve deeper, we’ll reveal the 15 key traits, from hidden insecurities to their mind games. This newfound knowledge empowers us to spot these signs and confidently navigate these relationships, setting healthy boundaries. Prepare for more meaningful connections as you decode the secrets of covert narcissism in women.

We promise to deliver a deep dive into the world of the covert narcissist traits women. Exposing their 15 key traits and the hidden emotional abuse they use. We are commitng you in empowering you with all the insights, narcissistic traits and make you understand all the re flags and moreover protecting your mental well-being. Get ready for a journey towards growth and empowerment.


Recognizing covert narcissist traits female:

The covert narcissist traits females show by describing themselves as the nicest person they know because their introverted grandiosity and frequently unnoticed passive aggression typically elude most people’s awareness.

They usually entice their targets by evoking sympathy in some way. They usually manipulate others using fear, obligation, and guilt, and soon, you’ll find yourself performing endless emotional labor for them, reassuring them, and helping them achieve their goals. Covert narcissist traits female function as highly sophisticated psychological predators, so I believe dealing with narcissistic traits in women and learning to recognize as many of their behaviors is beneficial. In this article, you will learn 15 traits of a covert narcissist female. These red flag behaviors are necessary for safeguarding your mental health.


Key Points of Covert Narcissist Traits in Women:

  1. Insecure:
  2. Disruptive:
  3. Pessimistic:
  4. Splitting:
  5. Sadistic:
  6. Duping Delight:
  7. Dumb Insolence:
  8. Condescending:
  9. Overindulgence:
  10. Deviant:
  11. Neurotic:
  12. Financially Unstable:
  13. Schadenfreude:
  14. Bad Childhood:
  15. No One Has It Worse:


Traits of Covert Narcissists in Women


Image is telling the covert narcissist traits female.

  • Insecure: Covert narcissist traits female may openly display their insecurities, seeking reassurance and complaining about feeling.
  • Disruptive: They might attempt to manipulate your schedule and preferences trying to enforce alterations that align with their wishes.
  • Pessimistic: Some individuals who display covert tendencies may attempt to undermine your happiness by sabotaging your joy.
  • Splitting: They tend to see things in extremes either idolizing or undervaluing individuals.
  • Sadistic:These people might find pleasure, in causing distress and embarrassment towards their competitors.
  • Duping Delight: Some individuals, with tendencies might display a smug expression after inflicting harm finding satisfaction, in exerting control and manipulating others.
  • Dumb Insolence: Sometimes individuals may pretend to be unaware in order to influence others into helping them. Then they derive a sense of superiority from it.
  • Condescending: As their interest, in you diminishes they start to exhibit condescension and prioritize their needs above yours.
  • Overindulgence: Some covert narcissists have a tendency to indulge in life pleasures discreetly without drawing attention to themselves.
  • Deviant: They completely ignore conventions, regulations and limits effortlessly shattering them without any sense of guilt.
  • Neurotic: They are not, like narcissists; instead they tend to be defensive, anxious and vulnerable. They often seek reassurance, from others to feel secure.
  • Financially Unstable: Sometimes individuals, with traits find it challenging to handle their finances and might rely on others to assist them during difficult times.
  • Bad Childhood: They often depict their childhood in a light while simultaneously reaching out for support, from their family.
  • No One Has It Worse: Some covert narcissists hold the belief that their suffering surpasses anyone. They anticipate emotional support and compassion, from those, around them.



In-Depth Exploration of Covert Narcissist Traits Female




A covert narcissist traits female doesn’t hide her insecurities. She’s easily triggered, and she’s often stressed. She’ll complain about feeling blue, unsafe, and threatened as her primary source.

She’s going to dump all of this on you with endless complaining so if you take her out for a nice dinner, she’ll ignore the gesture and focus on the negative: why did the waitress look at her funny in the restaurant, why did your mother write your name first on that email?

Why don’t her workmates want to hang out with her at lunch? She’ll badger you with questions like these, assuming you have all the answers and getting incensed if you don’t. She feels entitled to your reassurance. She wants you to care for her until her nerves are steady again.


A covert narcissistic woman uses disruptive tactics to control people by targeting their self-care routines. For instance, she interferes with activities like jogging, going to the gym, basketball, or golf, manipulating them to align with her preferences.

She demands authority over their appearance and grooming, often undermining their confidence in a passive-aggressive manner, all while claiming to have their best interests at heart.


The woman, with tendencies makes a deliberate effort to undermine your happiness. She targets your vulnerabilities seeks control over you and aims to be the provider of your joy. In cases she may resort to disruptive behavior, like showing up unexpectedly at your workplace or persistently calling you for attention.


Splitting is when people see things as good or bad, like black-and-white thinking. Narcissists, who struggle with handling emotions well, often treat people, including you, in this extreme way – sometimes they like them, other times not at all.

They tend to react strongly because they find it hard to deal with life’s gray areas. A covert narcissistic woman does the same thing to herself, making her act more unfriendly. When she hears criticism, she feels her lousy side is being shown. That’s why she can get distraught and switch from being nice to mean. In her mind, you go from being a friend to being an enemy because she’s worried your words will make her look bad.


You might not notice it immediately because it’s all in her mind. She enjoys making you feel emotionally hurt and humiliated. Sometimes, you can see this side of her in her private life when she enjoys seeing her rivals suffer.

She gets a kick out of messing with the people she competes against and seeing them fail. You can tell because she works against your happiness and peace of mind. It makes her happy to see you frustrated and struggling. This is the aspect of covert narcissist traits female.

Duping Delight: 

If you’ve experienced narcissistic abuse, you’ve probably observed how they smirk after intentionally hurting you. This strange and unsettling behavior reflects their sadistic nature. They wear that smirk because they find pleasure in controlling and manipulating you, as Dr. Paul Ekman describes it, “duping delight.”

Dumb Insolence: 

Specifically Covert narcissist females often employ this tactic. They enjoy playing mind games, and one of their favorites is pretending not to know what’s happening to deceive others. For example, they feign ignorance to persuade people to do things for them without compensation, and they revel in feeling superior afterward.

They also act dumb when caught betraying or taking advantage of you somehow. If you challenge them, they’ll deny the reality and use plausible deniability to manipulate your perception, a technique known as gaslighting.


Although, you’ve noticed someone becoming increasingly condescending, possibly a covert narcissist. You’ve been accommodating, giving them the benefit of the doubt and bending over backward to meet their needs.

Now, they openly prioritize themselves, clarifying that your needs no longer matter to them. Recognizing these signs, setting healthy boundaries, and prioritizing your well-being in the relationship is essential.


We are discussing Nicole, a woman with specific traits. She becomes upset when she encounters social norms, rules, and authority figures, firmly believing in her superiority over them. Nicole doesn’t feel remorse when she breaks the rules, crosses boundaries, or harms others is the main aspect of covert narcissist traits female.

The more severe her narcissism becomes, the more openly she challenges societal conventions because narcissists seize opportunities without hesitation.

Her lack of boundaries in what she’s willing to do can substantially impact relationships. When you confront her about her betrayals, she may shift the blame onto others, downplay her actions, or dismiss them by saying, “Things happen.”


Nicole, a self-centered person, ignores rules and authority figures without feeling sorry. As her narcissism worsens, her behavior becomes more disrespectful, causing relationship problems. She avoids taking responsibility and makes her actions seem less critical when questioned.

She frequently disregards you, often pondering why a narcissist ignore you.

Financially Unstable: 

Covert narcissist women often struggle with handling money. Even if they’re wealthy, they might forget to pay bills on time or avoid paying them due to their entitlement and disregard for rules.

When they need help with finances, they’ll turn to you. They could max out your credit cards, mess up your money, and not show remorse. Once they drain your finances, they’ll vanish.

Bad Childhood: 

A covert narcissist woman reveals herself by how she portrays her childhood. When you ask her about it, she paints a bleak picture, where she’s the hero who escaped a lousy family. Her story lacks complexity and positive memories.

Despite her negative account, she still seeks help and favors from her family. You can watch Dr. Craig Malkin from Harvard Medical School.


A covert narcissist finds happiness by delighting in the misfortunes of others. They display this through sarcasm and making hurtful comments at your expense. When confronted, they often dismiss it as a joke or use your past actions to justify their behavior.

No One Has It Worse: 

A covert narcissist constantly insists that nobody has it worse than her. Therefore she seeks your sympathy and demands that you listen to her never-ending problems.

Yet, when you bring up your issues, she promptly refocuses the conversation on herself, leaving you without the support you need is one of the covert narcissist traits female.



Image is showing covert narcissist traits female.

In conclusion, understanding What is Narcissism and 15 traits of covert narcissist traits females empowers us to protect our emotional well-being and cultivate healthier relationships. As a result Recognizing these key traits enables us to establish clear boundaries, communicate assertively, and nurture our self-awareness.

To summarize these red flags, we empower ourselves to navigate the complexities that covert narcissists often bring into our lives. This journey towards understanding is not about judgment but self-protection and growth.

Overall Balancing our understanding of these behaviors and safeguarding our emotional health is essential for maintaining healthier relationships. Seek support when necessary, prioritize self-care, and promote more positive and fulfilling connections. Our knowledge of covert narcissist traits ultimately guides us toward a healthier, more resilient emotional landscape.


Research? Covert Narcissist Traits Female

The Narcissisttraits team, offers a professional viewpoint; that we are certified psychologists. We offer accurate, DSM-5-grounded responses and following the American Psychological Association(APA) underpinned by extensive research and our studies. Our unwavering commitment is to deliver high-quality, trustworthy insights on narcissistic traits, personality disorders, and related topics. Including Covert Narcissist Traits Female.

By utilising our knowledge, we hope to increase your comprehension and make it easier for you to navigate these difficult topics. Similarly our responses, rooted in the latest field advancements, empower you with valuable knowledge and help you understand covert narcissist traits female.

As mental health and psychology professionals, we’re here to aid you in making well-informed decisions and finding the support you need to address issues related to narcissism and its impact on individuals and relationships.

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